Tuesday, May 08, 2007

One Load Down, Many More to Go...

I promised my fleet manager that I'd get that load delivered by 1500 today, and damned if I didn't come through with 30 minutes to spare! It took some seriously hard running to get it done, but I did it.

I make it to the consignee and see where I might have to pull it, but it looks TIGHT. Instead of getting stuck, I went in to see where they wanted me. Sure enough, that's where they wanted me, and a closer look showed that I could fit in there if I lubed up the truck enough. The lot wasn't particularly small, but they had their stuff all over the place, making it into one of those "you want me to put this truck WHERE?!?!" yards. Ok, I'm exaggerating. It really wasn't that bad, but it was still pretty cramped and took some serious wiggle work to get the truck aligned with their "dock". Oh, and backing up a hill sucks. Thankfully, they were nice people and unloaded me quick. In an out in an hour, including the backing exercise.

Afterwards, I took my truck down to Prime's Salt Lake City terminal for more repairs. My power steering pump was making a racket trying to steer when the truck was stopped. The stereo speakers in my passenger door were cutting in and out, too. Got a new power steering pump and the guys fixed my stereo's wiring. Believe me, I'm being NITPICKY with this warranty. The power steering was a must, but the stereo was just gravy.

The repairs put me pretty much at my 14, so I'm taking the night off and am starting again in the morning. Besides, the stress of the last couple of days really wore me out. The terminal has wireless internet access, so I'm good to go.